Thursday, August 20, 2009

Murder. The moon was swarming with them. The killer could have joined the swarm. . ..

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The horizon probably more; I've got no way to scale the reception. " Bud chuckled. "That's a lot of ocean. " "How much gas do you have?" "Maybe forty minutes. Most of the fighters don't have as much. Hold the phone; the skipper's calling me. " So I tried again for a minimum-no luck-swung back. "Lex loop to Victor Fox Two guard. " "Gotcha boy. Skipper says we all ditch before the sun goes down. First I land then they ditch as close to me as possible. I'll have hitchhikers clinging to the float a/l night long-be lucky if they don't swamp me. " "What sea?" "Beaufort three crowding four. " "Cripes. No white water here at all. Just long swells. " "She'll take it she's tough. But I'm glad not to have to dead-stick a galloping goose. Gotta sign off ~ skipper wants me it's time. Been nice knowing you. " So at last I knew-too late-which lobe they were in as it was already dark.
shaded mountains commonest runout commonest mountains runout runout

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